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Grapevines and an oaktree in spring before the start of the growing season Budding vine shoot Sonnenmulde wine bottles Young shoot with first leafes and grapes shortly after it started to grow Andreas and Kathrin Barrique storage Barrique casks Bursting vine bud View towards the winery View towards the illuminated winery at night Vineyard in spring before it starts to grow

November News

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

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Martiniloben - Open Cellar Doors.

November has come and with it the usual cold and foggy times. It’s starting to get uncomfortable on the outside so the most interesting things are now happening inside our winery. New wines have to be bottled and a lot of things need to be done in the wine cellar. Now is an ideal time for every wine-enthusiast to visit the cellar and taste the young vintage 2007. The upcoming weekend will offer the very best opportunity to do so at the annual day of open cellar doors in Gols!

Starting from Friday the 9th up till Sunday the 11th of November there will be the current years Martiniloben event with the day of open cellar doors. More than 80 wineries open their wine cellars and invite you to drop in and taste the new vintage. Additionally many cellars offer a great setting for exhibitions of well known as well as still undiscovered artists.

Of course we are as always participating and invite you warmly to come and take a look. Taste our fine wines and admire jewelry and works of art created by the designer Marianne Wagner. Just like every year our wine cellar and our cosy tasting room can be found under the number 56 on the event plans.

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