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Barrique casks Sonnenmulde wine bottles Barrique storage Andras and Katrhin standing betwenn growing rows of grapevines Rows of grapevines in summer, about 1 month befor the harvest View towards the illuminated winery at night View towards the winery Andreas and Kathrin Panoramic view of Gols in early summer Closeup view of vine blossoms

News 2013

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Martiniloben 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013
Two barriques decorated with autumnal leaves. On one of them there is a lantern with a burning candle. In front of them is a plate with the reference to the open cellar door no. 56.
Open Cellar Door for the Martiniloben Event.

There are only a few days left until the Golser Martiniloben, our day of open wine cellars. The most important thing, our wines, are of course always ready for tasting but there is still a lot to prepare. As every year there is much to see and to experience at Martiniloben and at our cellar everything will revolve arount liquid art.

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Young 2013 wines have arrived

Saturday, November 2, 2013
Photo of a bottle of each of the two wines.
Junger Welschriesling and Rosé, our Young Wines 2013.

A busy month has passed since our last post and lots of new things happened. We have already crushed the last of this year’s reds and thus the 2013 harvest is really over. While the reds are now gently bubbling along with malolactic fermentation, the whites are already further along.

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Harvest 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Photo of a harvesting trailer with grapes, down onto long vineyard rows. People with wheelbarrows harvest the grapes there.
Harvesting Blaufränkisch by hand.
The wine harvest paces along. But this year it’s nothing for the faint of heart. The extremely hot summer had our grapes take a holiday of their own. They preferred to save water instead of ripening which is acutally a really smart thing to do. But this means that we’re now at least two or three weeks behind when compared to the extremely early harvest dates of the previous vintages.Read more »

Wine Harvest begins

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The wine harvest 2013 has started. The growing season is over and it’s time to pick the ripe grapes. We already brought in grapes for grape juice as well as Sämling and Sauvignon Blanc and next week the harvest will continue.

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Dornbirn Autumn Fair

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tomorrow it is time again for the Dornbirn Fair Grounds to open their doors for this year’s Autumn Exhibition. Unfortunately we did not get our old and proven location but of course we’re still participating!

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After the heat

Saturday, August 10, 2013

We had a lot of work during the summer and therefore there were no updates posted on our website for some time. Here comes a quick one, more details will follow in the next few days.

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June update

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
A tractor with a leaf cutter between two rows of tall vines. One side is already trimmed, the other one will follow.
Trimming the tips of Zweigelt grapevines.

June is almost over and it’s time for a brief look back on this critical month of the wine year. It started out rather cold but with the first warm days the vines started flowering. During great weather the bloom was over in about 10 days and it turned out very well. May had already provided enough humidity for quick vine growth and at 35° C we enjoyed hot summer weather. Currently it is pretty cool again but we also had some rain that came in just right to prevent drought due to the hot weather of recent days.

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Spring, Summer or Winter?

Sunday, June 9, 2013
View over Gols towards the west where a dark cloud front can be seen. Sun shines in the foreground tough.
Rainy weather in the west.
The weather constantly caputres our minds. This should not be a surprise tough since our vines are constantly exposed to the elements. This year it really is somewhat remarkable tough. Following an amazingly hot April, May has tured out completely opposite. Especially in its last third and in early June, cold and wet conditions have influenced the development of our vineyards. Luckily we did not have as much rain as other parts of Austria.Read more »

Start into the growing season

Friday, May 17, 2013
Rainbow above our winery.

It is a busy time in our vineyards. Nature is exploding and the vines are growing wildly. The 2013 vintage has now definitely started to develop and we’re looking forward to the coming season.

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Weinfrühling Opening Hours

Friday, April 12, 2013

This year’s Weinfrühling (“Wine in the Spring”) event has begun. Cellar doors in Gols are open and invite to a tasting from today until sunday. We’re cellar 56 on the map and are available at for the following hours:

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Dornbirn Spring Fair

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tomorrow the Dornbirn Fairgrounds will open their doors again for this year’s Spring Fair. Our booth is number 10 in Hall 11. We have cooled the wines, prepared everything and are now ready for our guests. We’re looking forward to meeting you as well and hope you’ll enjoy a nice time tasting our wines. The fair will last until sunday.

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ProWein Build-up

Saturday, March 23, 2013
Kathrin at the still undecorated desk of the booth. Above it hangs a board with our name on it, at the back of the wall there is a photo of the family.
Our booth at the ProWein.

Tomorrow the ProWein starts in Düsseldorf. It is one of the world’s most important wine fairs and we’re participating. Today we set up our boot A25 in the Organic Wines Hall 7.1 (Hall 7, 1st Floor).

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Binding the vines

Saturday, March 2, 2013
Vines where the single shoot left over from pruning has been tied horizontally to the wire.
Binding the vines after pruning.

The next vineyard work following winter pruning is binding the vines and that is what we do right now. Binding means to bind stems on to their support rod and also to the attach the one or two vines that are left from pruning flat down on the lowest trellis wire.

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Berlin Wine Fair

Saturday, March 2, 2013
View of the exhibition stand. In the foreground counters with wine bottles for presentation. On the back wall large posters with pictures of people and wine bottles.
Renate at our exhibition booth.

We made it back well from the Berlin Wine Fair. On our way home we still had to cope with quite a lot of snow but now it’s almost gone and it is gorgeously sunny outside tough a bit cold. Spring is coming, there’s no question about that.

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Winter Pruning

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Close-up of a hand with secateurs cutting a vine covered with ice.
Secateurs used for pruning the vines.

A few images from our winter occupation out in the vineyards - pruning the vines. It’s a lot of time and manual work spent during the cold times of a year.

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Winter finally got us.

Friday, January 18, 2013

It took quite some time but now it’s here, the winter has arrived. Outside snow is blowing horizontally and we are either shovelling snow or warming up again inside.

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Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

We hope your New Year’s celebration went as well as ours and you are prepared for a good and eventful 2013. We’re now as always easily reachable again after the holidays and are looking forward to the things to come.

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