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Rows of grapevines in summer, about 1 month befor the harvest Andras and Katrhin standing betwenn growing rows of grapevines Andreas and Kathrin Barrique casks Sonnenmulde wine bottles View towards the illuminated winery at night View towards the winery Closeup view of vine blossoms Barrique storage Panoramic view of Gols in early summer

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Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 15, 2017

The end of the year is drawing closer. There are still a few days until Christmas and like so many people we are looking forward to a bit of downtime. The 2017 vintage has been taken care of as it is quietly ageing in our cellar. Most of the deliveries have been carried out as well but it is still possible to order wine for Christmas. You may also order wines between the holidays if you’re running out. We’ll do our best to provide them as quickly a delivery services work in this season.

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It is getting cold

Saturday, December 2, 2017

It is December and winter broke out like on a schedule. Considering the long and warm autumn where some of the trees have not even shed all their leaves yet, this was quite sudden. Last night it reached temperatures of -7° C, cold enough for producing Icewine. We did not plan to harvest Icewine this year but for some other winemaking families of Gols this day of work started early during night hours already. Early December is just perfect timing because there is enough time for processing and fermentation until Christmas.

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Last day of harvest

Sunday, October 15, 2017
Sun rises from the fog behind a walnut tree.
Autumn sunrise at the wine harvest.

The harvest is over. The day before yesterday we picked ripe, sweet Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, the last of the current vintage. The year was much more exciting than we would have wished for, but in the end very good.

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Sunday, October 1, 2017
St. Laurent grapes on a harvest trailer.

Atumn has finally replaced this year’s long lasting summer and harvest time has arrived. By now we picked most of our grapes, only a few late varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon remain out in the vineyards for a few more days of sun and ripening. The ones we harvested already are currently fermenting lievely in our wine cellar, quickly developing into young wines. Below are a few pictures from this vintage’s St. Laurent harvest. It is an early grape and has thus been picked more than two weeks ago already. (Pictures (c) Simon Wieser)

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Summer goes on.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

We’re currently enjoying a brief drop in temperatures but the next heat wave with 35° C is already predicted for later this week. The summer has been hot to the extreme and we can feel that just as well as our vines.

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Vines blossoming

Saturday, June 10, 2017
Close view of a blossoming grape.
The year quickly runs along its path. Only a few weeks ago, in the beginning of May, we had to fear frost and loss of our grapes. Now only a short time later summer has set in and our vines are thriving. You can almost watch them grow at this time of the year! Under the right conditions, warm and with enough rain, the vines grow multiple centimeters every day. We almost can’t keep up threading them into their trellis and tending them to grow in the right direction.Read more »

A cold spring

Monday, May 15, 2017
Wafts of smoke drift over the vineyards at dawn.

Following last year’s catastrophic late frost event, the current vintage has also not been overly kind to our grapes yet. We enjoyed a nice cold winter, but March started out much too warm, leading to an extremely early start into the growing season. More than three weeks before the long standing average, the vines started to shoot around April 5th. Unfortunately late frost events may always happen into the first half of May, representing a great danger for young vines and grapes.

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Tasting time

Monday, February 6, 2017

Years do start calmly in our winery. Activities are not too urgent and we can attend to the winter pruning without much hurry. But that work is now almost done and other things start to become more important. Still there is time before the year really gets going when the vines bud in spring. And this is, we think, the best time for wine tastings!

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