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Barrique casks Andreas and Kathrin Rows of grapevines in summer, about 1 month befor the harvest View towards the illuminated winery at night Andras and Katrhin standing betwenn growing rows of grapevines Sonnenmulde wine bottles View towards the winery Panoramic view of Gols in early summer Barrique storage Closeup view of vine blossoms

Spring Ploughing

Thursday, May 2, 2019

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Vineyard rows before and after Spring Ploughing

We cover the lower parts of our grapevines with soil before winter sets in to protect them from exceedingly deep frost events. Now in the spring, they are uncovered using a plough so that they can enjoy a bit of warm and fresh air. This also fights the weeds next to our vines while the greenery between the rows is left to bloom. The picture nicely shows the outcome, before and after ploughing.

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