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Sonnenmulde wine bottles Rows of grapevines in summer, about 1 month befor the harvest Closeup view of vine blossoms View towards the illuminated winery at night View towards the winery Barrique casks Panoramic view of Gols in early summer Andreas and Kathrin Barrique storage Andras and Katrhin standing betwenn growing rows of grapevines

Blooming Vineyards

Thursday, May 23, 2019

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Blue Phacelia blossoms in between vineyard rows

In spring organic vineyards can be spottet from a long distance. The green manure plants are in full bloom, long before our vines develop their own flowers. Green manure offers food and habitat for small insects and bigger animals alike. Even hare or deer youngs like to hide between the growing greens.

Our vineyards are therefore not only an important contribution to biodiversity, the green manure also provides essential nutrition for our vines, without the need for any synthetic fertilizers. But honestly, the beautiful sight is reason enough to enjoy the view this time of the season.

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