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View towards the winery Hillside vineyard with autumn colored leafes Vineyard next to a forest, autumn colored leafes View towards the illuminated winery at night Late harvest while the leafes show first autumn colours Barrique storage Autumn colored vineyards around Gols People at manual wine harvest Sun rises through ground fog while wind turbines tower above the vineyards Trailer filled with fresh grapes at the harvest Andreas and Kathrin Sonnenmulde wine bottles View of vineards starting to change leafe colours in autumn Barrique casks

Wine Harvest 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024

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Grapes that are dumped in two wide streams from the tanks of the harvesting machine onto a trailer.
The first grapes of the wine harvest 2024

News from our winery have been rather sparse this year. But there is a reason for this. Never before have our vines sprouted so early, starting to grow at the end of March. Since then, we’ve just been chasing after their development. Until now! Because we began the grape harvest on August 22 and are currently in full swing.

That’s only 2 days later than the earliest harvest we’ve ever had (2003), and if the summer hadn’t been so hot and dry, it could have been a week earlier even. Global warming is clearly noticeable. 40 years ago the harvest was in October and we were wearing sweaters instead of walking around barefoot in shorts.

A harvesting machine entering a vineyard. It drives over a row that it takes in the middle for harvesting.
Grape Harvester at work.

We would prefer a later harvest for reasons of time and temperature. But the fact is that fruity, fresh white wines make up an important part of our product range. And for this we have to harvest the grapes before they become too sweet, otherwise the wines would be too strong. So this means going into the vineyards early every day picking grapes before it gets too warm. If things continue like this, we will soon have harvested all the white wines. The reds, on the other hand, can stay out a little longer and ripen a tad more.

This year’s harvest will definitely be finished early. Maybe then we’ll get back some of the time we’ve been missing all summer.

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