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View towards the illuminated winery at night Rows of grapevines in summer, about 1 month befor the harvest Sonnenmulde wine bottles Barrique casks Panoramic view of Gols in early summer View towards the winery Andras and Katrhin standing betwenn growing rows of grapevines Andreas and Kathrin Barrique storage Closeup view of vine blossoms

Vintage 2005

Current Wines | Other Vintages

Wines of the vintage 2005. An overall challenging year for winemakers altough with a good outcome. Spring and summer were rather cool and rainy but at least in our area, the very east of Austria, we can always count on a few hot summer days to help grape ripeness. Lively and tangy white wines dominated the vintage. The reds where a bit lighter than average but offered great fruityness. In autumn the conditions became great for Botrytis and so, just like ten years before in the great vintage 1995, exceptional qualities of noble-sweet dessert wines like Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA) were harvested.

White Wines

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Red and Rosé Wines

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Special and Dessert Wines

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