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A bottle of Blauer Zweigelt Alte Reben
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A lapwing as logo for the Blauer Zweigelt Alte Reben

Eye-catching and typical for the region like the Lapwing.

Northern Lapwings are quite common in our region. In summer they can be seen flying acrobatically over the vineyards and their cries can be heard from the distance. Here around Lake Neusiedl they find a favourable habitat with shallow warm waters and embankments. And in between lie the the vineyards that profit from the conditions just as much, that enable them to grow great wines.

Blauer Zweigelt Alte Reben 2010

The Zweigelt is the star among the Austrian red wine varieties. The reason for this is the great versatility of this notable grape. Under skillful treatment the Zweigelt can yield fruity and velvety as well as heavy and full red wines with a great tannin structure. Good Zweigelt wines can easily be compared to renowned international varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon, yet the character of a Zweigelt always remains likable, easy to drink and charming on the palate.

The Blauer Zweigelt - Alte Reben (old grapevines) is made from the oldest vines of our winery. When compared to younger vines, the old vinyards yield less but their grapes are much riper, more concentrated and show richer flavours. Their wine is therefore dark coloured, strong and always right for hearty food or for romantic hours.

Made from organic grapes. AT-BIO-402

Tasting notes

Our Blauer Zweigelt - Alte Reben (old grapevines) 2010 is dark red and shows violet refelctions on the edge. Its flavour impresses with intense notes of cherry and dark fruits. The tannin structure ist pronounced but Zweigelt-like mild.

Food suggestion

This wine goes perfeclty with game and other hearty meat dishes.

Ageing potential

Reaches its optimum two years after the harvest. Can be kept at least for over five years.


Drinking Temperature: 18° C, Alcohol Content: 13.5 %vol, Sugar Content: 1.7 g/L, Acidity: 5.2 g/L,
Sonnenmulde Bioweine - DI Andreas Schreiner - Goldbergstraße 2, 7122 Gols Österreich/Austria - -