Shiny and precious like the bee-eater.
Bee-eaters used to be extremely rare and are therefore still strictly protected in the area around Lake Neusiedl. The protection has been quite successful tough. More and more bee-eaters can be seen at sandy embankments where they breed, or when they fly over the vineyards hunting for insects. Organic vineyards with their rich food supply are therefore very important for the recovery of the bee-eaters.
Pinot Blanc semi-dry 2011
The Pinot Blanc is an old, traditional white wine variety and well known in almost every notable wine growing region on earth. Everywhere the Pinot Blanc is much renowned and developed in many variations ranging from dry and fruity to the extreme sweetness of dessert wines made out of overripe botrytised grapes. Frequently it can be found in a very strong style, oaked and bone-dry but with an exceptional full-bodied appearance which is much appreciated by wine enthusiasts from all over the world. Our semi dry Pinot Blanc Late Harvest wines are only slightly sweet and primarily impress with their full body and the intense bouquet instead of pure sugar content. Hence they are very mild, pleasurably to drink and they present themselves favourably on almost any occasion.
Wine made from organic grapes. AT-BIO-402
Tasting notes
Our semi dry Pinot Blanc 2011 has a fine balanced, spicy bouquet without beeing too bold. The slight sweetness perfectly distinguishes its fine flavour.
Food suggestion
This wine is ideally suited as an aperitif. The small but noticeable amount of residual sugar, combined with the full body have an inspiring and appetizing effect. It also serves well to a great range of stronger foods that would otherwise be too intense for a light and dry white wine.
Ageing potential
This wine soon gives a lot of drinking pleasure but does refine even more within the next three or four years.